By introducing Metaverse technology and changing its name to Meta, Facebook announced a major change in the world of technology; A development that, according to many analysts, is comparable to the emergence of technologies such as the Internet.
Undoubtedly, creating such an environment would not be possible without the presence of emerging technologies such as blockchain and digital currencies. In this article, we examine the place of blockchain technology in the metaverse and examine various aspects of this virtual world.
What is metaverse technology?
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These days, the name of ” Metaverse ” technology is heard a lot as a big development in the online life of the future; However, it seems that each person’s understanding and interpretation of this technology is different from others! The term metaverse was first coined in 1992 in a famous science fiction novel called Snow Crash by its talented author Neal Stephenson.
In this book, the metaverse is described as a virtual and imaginary world that people can connect to using fiber optic technology in a global network. Therefore, in today’s era, this technology can be attributed to Virtual Reality (VR) or Augmented Reality (AR) glasses.
The word “Meta” literally means infinite and often refers to the universe. Along with the previous description, some believe that the Metaverse will be a virtual world where users can browse and interact with others.
For example, in this interpretation, the metaverse includes a world with buildings, parks, and all other virtual elements created by software developers. This space may have urban, natural parts and even a part for players to hunt and fight with each other.
On the other hand, the corona virus epidemic caused everyone’s attention and interest to be drawn towards such a world. With the spread of telecommuting culture and the use of the Internet for work and study, people are looking for ways to implement these interactions.
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