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تأثير الدوبامين على متداولي الأسواق المالية
الدوبامين مادة كيميائية يتم إنتاجها بشكل طبيعي في الجسم. في الدماغ ، يعمل الدوبامين كناقل عصبي ويرتبط بالجهاز العصبي المتعلق بالمتعة. يعزز…
التحقيق في وظيفة الحزام الأمامي في أذهان التجار
في هذا الجزء من المناقشة ، نتعامل مع عضوين: 1. النواة المتكئة (NAC) هي مجموعة من الخلايا العصبية الموجودة في النقطة التي…
What is reliance and adjustment bias and what effect does it have on the investor?
To estimate the value of a variable, people usually start the estimation process by basing a mental first digit (a…
4 signs that say you have become a professional trader
For Forex traders, nothing beats the symbol of financial independence as a full-time trader. However, a full-time Forex trader enjoys real-time…
Adaptability is the most dangerous psychological bias in traders
When people are confronted with new information that contradicts their previous perceptions, they often feel a kind of mental distress,…
5 sad facts about trading
Now that we are in the final stages of the trading year, I bet many of you are looking at…
Familiarity is the fifth most common bias of traders
Familiarity bias is a rule of thumb or mental shortcut that allows people to estimate the probability of an outcome…
Are you familiar with the self-attribution bias of investors?
Self-attribution bias refers to individuals’ tendency to attribute their successes to their inherent characteristics, such as talent or insight, while…
Psychological tendency to be late in investors
Delayed bias is a mental process that causes people to cling to their previous views or predictions and ignore new…
What harm does empowerment bias do for investors?
Power-oriented bias describes a tendency in humans to think that they can control or at least influence the consequences, when…